Privacy & Cookies Policy 

Welcome to British Airways, where your privacy takes flight. We're dedicated to explaining how we handle your personal information and make your online experience with us as smooth as your journey.

What We Collect

To make your travel experience exceptional, we collect:

Personal Information: This includes your name, contact info, and payment details, crucial for booking flights and providing top-notch service.

Travel Info: We gather data about your travel plans, like flight reservations, seat preferences, and any special requests.

Website Interaction: We track how you use our website, like your IP address and device information, to improve our site and tailor your experience.

How We Use Your Info

Your data serves several purposes:

Booking Flights: We need your info to process flight reservations and manage your bookings efficiently.

Customer Support: If you have questions or issues, we use your data to assist and resolve concerns.

Enhancing Our Services: The data from your website interactions lets us optimize our site, personalize your experience, and make ongoing improvements.

Cookies and More

We use cookies and similar tech to enhance your online journey. Cookies are tiny files stored on your device when you visit our website. They help us remember your preferences, analyze site use, and show you relevant content and ads.

If you are using our website, you are agree to our use of cookies policies in our Cookie Policy page of the website. Don't you worry, you can manage your cookie settings in your installed browser settings.

Data Security

You should be assured that your data is in safe hands and we use the industry-standard security measures to protect your personal information from unauthorized access, alteration, disclosure, and destruction.

Who We Share With

Your personal information isn't for sale. However, we may share it with trusted service providers and partners, like payment processors, customer support teams, and marketing collaborators, to help us deliver our services effectively. But we only share the necessary info for them to do their job.

Policy Updates

Our Privacy & Cookies Policy may change to reflect our practices or legal and regulatory requirements. We'll post any changes here, so be sure to check in from time to time.

Get in Touch

Queries and concerns, or requests about your privacy or this policy? Contact to our Privacy Team via the Contact Us section on our website.

Your trust in British Airways means the world to us. Our commitment is not just to offer you exceptional travel experiences but also to protect your privacy throughout your journey.